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Charity activities by many companies are used today as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy or public relations relations. It is very often forgotten, however, that the primary purpose of charity is to provide financial or material assistance to the needy.

Sevenet S.A. charity tries to put into practice in the elemental understanding of the word. For several years, we have been supporting, among others, the Pomeranian Foundation, financing events organized for children. In addition, we also regularly help the HEART Foundation European Children's Friendship Center. We also support the young sailing crew of the Yacht Club Polish Bydgoszcz and novice basketball players from Sopot who train as part of the TREFL Education Development Foundation in Sopot. In June 2018, we also became a partner of the Young Lions Gdansk Sports Academy, which teaches children and youth how to play basketball and football, as well as how to use fair play, on the pitch and in dealing with others.

A vocal and acting study of Danuta Baduszewska in Gdynia

Cooperation in the implementation of the diploma spectacle "Diary of the Warsaw Uprising"

The Young Lions Gdansk Sports Academy

The HEART Foundation European Children's Friendship Center

School of Defenders of the Polish Post in Gdańsk

Silesian Theatre in Katowice

Wybrzeże Gdańsk Handball S.A.