Golden Masks Gala

This week, the Golden Masks gala took place at the Theater im. Adama Mickiewicza w Częstochowie for the 56th time.
Silesian Theater Stanisław Wyspiański in Katowice, which we proudly support as Sevenet, deservedly received three Golden Masks for EMPUIZJON in the categories PERFORMANCE OF THE YEAR, SUPPORTING ROLE for Mateusz Znaniecki and SCENOGRIAFY for Katarzyna Borkowska, as well as two special awards for the acting team - the Award named after The Lena Starke Award was awarded to Roman Michalski, and the winner of the Award named after Zbigniew Gruca became Anna Lemieszek.
Congratulations to the Silesian Theater on all the awards and we wish you further success!