Graduation concert PPSWA

Yesterday we had the pleasure of participating in the diploma concert presented by the Państwowe Policealne Studium Wokalno – Aktorskie w Gdyni, which we, as Sevenet, have been supporting for over 8 years.
During the concert, we could admire the students' skills acquired during their studies - dancing, acting and singing. The graduates presented songs from such classics as: "Jesus Christ Superstar", "Les Miserables", "Nine" and "Lalka". The repertoire also included Broadway hits from the musicals "Hamilton", "Mean Girls", "Beatlejuice", "Heathers" and "Wonderland".
We would like to thank PPSWA for the invitation and congratulate the diplomats on their great performances!
We would like to wish you all the best in your further artistic journey. May every day be full of joy, satisfaction and fulfillment for you.