Sevenet joins the sponsors of Wybrzeże Gdańsk!

The history of the current activity of this club dates back to June 2010, when, after a friendly meeting of a group of former players of the Gdańsk handball clubs Wybrzeże, Spójnia, AZS and Stoczniowiec, the idea of attempting to reactivate men's handball in Gdańsk was born. A group of 18 former players was gathered to establish the WYBRZEŻE Handball Club Association. Wybrzeże Gdańsk is a brand in itself. Thanks to the support of many local and national companies, it is constantly building its position in the country.
- We are glad that Sevenet is joining the great Wybrzeże Gdańsk family. Handball is a sport full of passion and dynamism, which perfectly fits into the values of our company. We believe that this cooperation is the beginning of a long-term partnership that will contribute to the development of the club and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among young people. We are proud to be able to support such an important team for Gdańsk. Wybrzeże Gdańsk is not only a sports club, but also a symbol of the city and its residents. We want this cooperation to be an example of business involvement in the development of the local community. - said Rafał Chomicz, President of the Management Board of Sevenet S.A.
- We are greatly motivated by the fact that Sevenet S.A., a dynamically operating IT company, sees business potential in Wybrzeże. It is thanks to our sponsors and partners that we can continue the tradition of handball in our city. Therefore, we are extremely pleased with the trust of companies originating from the local Gdańsk environment. We are certain that together with Sevenet S.A. we will be able to continue our sports mission and that through joint commitment it will bring many benefits to both parties. - said Jacek Pauba, President of the Management Board of Wybrzeże Gdańsk Handball S.A.