Workshop meeting as part of the PWCyber program

On March 22 in Wrocław, at the invitation of Sevenet S.A. and IBM Polska Sp. z o. o. a workshop meeting was held as part of the Cybersecurity Cooperation Programme, which we joined in 2022.
The #PWCyber program is implemented for the benefit of the national cybersecurity system. Program partners create a coherent system that allows for taking actions both to counteract threats and to ensure effective response to cybersecurity incidents.
The Cybersecurity Cooperation Program includes:
- information area - providing information about incidents and identified cyber threats,
- educational area - education in the field of safe configuration and operation of devices and services,
- training area - training of entities of the national cybersecurity system in the field of increasing cybersecurity awareness in the organization,
- know-how area - knowledge exchange on the latest tools and solutions designed to improve the level of cybersecurity,
- testing and certification area - conducting security tests and preparation for cybersecurity research and certification.
More information about the meeting can be found at: