08-11-2024 Sevenet recognized twice during Check Point Security Day 2024! We are proud to announce that we won two awards at this year's Check Point Security Day.
14-10-2024 National Education Day On the occasion of National Education Day, we wish all teachers, educators and pedagogues
15-09-2024 New office address in Cracow We are pleased to announce the change of address of our Cracow headquarters.
12-09-2024 9th Workshop Conference "„Niezawodność i Cyberbezpieczeństwo Infrastruktury Krytycznej i Przemysłowej - IT/OT" Today we are present at the 9th Workshop Conference "Reliability and Cybersecurity of Crit...
02-09-2024 Workshops Cisco Secure Firewall We invite you to the Cisco Secure Firewall Workshops, which will be held in two cities:
20-08-2024 SEVENET ROADSHOW SECURITY 2024 Join the Sevenet Security Roadshow and discover the latest trends in cybersecurity!
20-08-2024 New partnership with Secfense Secfense and Sevenet establish strategic cooperation in the field of cybersecurity