16-03-2021 "Employer Friendly to the Gdańsk Vocational School" Award It is the second time that we have been recognized with the 'Employer-Friendly Employer at...
15-03-2021 They write about us in the media! Our implementation at BNP Paribas bank is described in the media.
11-03-2021 Our expert Krzysztof Załęski at the PLNOG conference! This year, the PLNOG conference will be held again,
12-02-2021 Take part in the webinar! We invite you to a free webinar, which will take place on February 17 at 10:00. Among the ...
11-02-2021 Distinction in the "Gryf Gospodarczy 2020" competition Last week, we personally collected the prizes in the Gryf Gospodarczy 2020 competition!
16-12-2020 Networking Partner of the Year oraz Cisco Software Partner of the Year 2020 We are pleased to announce that in addition to this year's Cisco Enterprise Partner of the...
10-12-2020 Awards in this year's edition of the "Economic Griffin 2020" competition! We are pleased to share the information that in this year's edition of the Pomeranian Awar...